The competition to secure a good spot for Mardi Gras parades can be intense, but one Facebook user says he’s willing to ease that burden… for a price. New Orleans resident Kenneth Sampey posted an offer to hold a 10×10 spot on St. Charles Avenue for Fat Tuesday. The fee for the service? $2000. Sampey says he made the post out of jest, not expecting it to get the attention that it did.
“It kind of just snowballed into this big thing. I did it because I know people that hold spots for people on Mardi Gras, and I just thought it was a crazy idea that people would pay to do that, so I put an outrageous number for the price,” said Sampey.
Sampey said he has already seen many responses to the post.
“I have gotten some offers. I’ve had people message me, talking about how they wanted to come work for me to hold spots. So, I have gotten a few, but nothing where people were very serious about paying,” said Sampey.
Sampey said if he does manage to land a $2000 payday, he says his son likely already has plans for the money.
“He might ask for a trip to Disney World or something like that,” said Sampey.