A Senate approved bill that would allow a parish by parish vote on the legalization of sports betting will be heard today in the House Appropriations Committee.
Currently the bill calls for the activity at racetracks and casinos, but video poker interests are hoping to expand that. Metairie Senator Danny Martiny says that can’t happen…
“We would have gone from 20 venues to 2,800 venues, which is not going to happen, you know?”
A companion bill to tax the activity proposes a 13 percent tax rate, which Martiny says is about average, and nearly equal to that of Mississippi’s. One percent would be sent to compulsive gambling funds.
Martiny says the best chance it has to pass the House this year is if the legislation does not include add-ons like allowing it at video poker locations. If special interests alter the bill in committee…
“If it does not pass this year then I think we are sending a message to the gaming industry that we are willing to lag behind.”
But the Metairie Republican is optimistic and thinks Louisiana could have sports betting in the state’s racetracks, riverboat casinos, and land-based casino in New Orleans by the end of the year.
“If the bill passes in it’s present form then we will be very close to getting it going for the next Super Bowl, and maybe the college championship.”