The state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education has approved a set of health rules for public schools to safely reopen and they call for masks inside the classroom. There is a new state law protecting schools from COVID-related suits, but State Education Superintendent Cade Brumley says protection can be lost if they do not follow BESE’s guidelines.
“If systems are going to have relief in terms of liability then they are going to have to demonstrate that they adhere to these minimum standards to the best of their ability,” said Brumley.
The adopted minimum safety standard approved by BESE calls for every adult and students in grades 3 through 12 wearing a face covering to the greatest extent possible and practical.
Not everyone is happy about the mandate. Melissa Berry, a Louisiana parent with three kids, testified at Tuesday’s BESE meeting that masks are a hindrance to education because they make it hard to understand people.
“Then you are asking our teachers to teach with that on? I can barely understand you with a mike much less myself with a mask on, for my kids to be taught?” said Berry.
Assistant State Health Officer Dr. Joseph Kanter says without mitigation measures like the mask mandate student’s return to school won’t last long.
“If we were to skimp then we would pay the price very early on in the school year with increased spread which leads to classrooms of kids being quarantined at home, absenteeism, and rolling school closures,” said Kanter.