Entergy Louisiana is prepping again for yet another hurricane to impact customers in the Bayou State. Hurricane Laura caused extensive and widespread outages to southwest Louisiana and Hurricane Delta forced crews back to the area six weeks later. Entergy Spokesperson Brandon Scadigli says restoration crews are well prepared for anticipated outages in southeast Louisiana with Zeta.
“We have a very well-rehearsed storm response plan and we’re ready to put that into practice once again. Currently, we have a storm team of about 3,800 Entergy crews and contractors that are ready to go,” says Scadigli.
Scadigli says even though the state is experiencing more than its fair share of hurricanes this season, he warns residents to take extreme caution after the storm and alert utility providers of any down lines.
“Once the storm passes that’s usually the most dangerous part of the storm. If you see downed power lines please stay clear, you have to assume that any power line you see on the ground is live,” says Scadigli.
Entergy says they will provide updates for customers via their social media pages on Facebook and Twitter during the restoration process.