Beginning next week Louisianans over 65 and older will be eligible to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Governor John Bel Edwards made the announcement at his weekly coronavirus briefing Thursday. Edwards recognizes that demand is still high for the vaccine.
“Because we know that people over 65 are much more likely to die from COVID than those who are younger, and in fact data from the CDC shows that people from 65 to 74 are five times more likely to be hospitalized if they contract COVID-19,” said Edwards.
This allows for approximately a quarter of a million more in the state to be vaccinated.
All first responders will also have access to the vaccine along with certain election workers ahead of the March election, some state officials, and the unified command group.
“And let me reiterate that this expanded eligibility goes into effect on Monday, February the 8th. Not today, not Saturday, not Sunday but on Monday,” said Edwards.
Edwards said getting everyone vaccinated will be a long process, it will be measured in months, not days.
“But there is good news, and that the federal government has again notified us, I think it happened on Monday of this week, that starting next week there will be an increase in the doses that we receive by five-percent,” said Edwards.
Edwards announced that the state is also participating in the Federal Retail Pharmacy program allowing 57 Walmarts to offer the vaccine. That program begins on February 11th.
For a list of providers visit CovidVaccine.la.gov