Because COVID vaccines can cause enlarged lymph nodes for several weeks under the arm in which you receive the injection, physicians are recommending changes for routine mammograms. Breast Surgical Oncologist at Woman’s Hospital in Baton Rouge, Dr. Mindy Bowie explains.
“According to the American Society of Breast Imaging, they do recommend postponing any routine imaging studies for approximately four to six weeks after your vaccination,” said Bowie.
Or try to schedule your mammogram before you are vaccinated for COVID.
Bowie said unfortunately some patients had their mammograms soon after their vaccination before the new recommendations were issued. She said whenever enlarged lymph nodes are noted on a mammogram you will need to be reexamined.
“Currently the American College of Radiology does recommend a three-month follow-up after that note is made for the enlarged lymph node,” said Bowie.
Bowie said when you schedule your routine mammogram be sure to let the technician know when you were vaccinated for COVID. She also advises whenever you notice anything unusual about your body whatsoever to always contact your physician to rule things out.
“Usually, these lymph nodes decrease in size, or go back to normal, within several weeks after the vaccination. Just note that it is something that’s very common after this vaccination,” said Bowie.
Bowie said enlarged lymph nodes are a common occurrence when your body is mounting an immune response and you shouldn’t be alarmed when they appear after your vaccines.