With the possibility of travel restrictions being put in place for those who have not been vaccinated people are buying and selling fake vaccination cards. Chris Babin with the Better Business Bureau of Acadiana said they have received reports of sites selling counterfeit cards.
“But we do know that scammers follow the headlines, and they see that as an opportunity and we have had reports that people are looking for vaccination cards to say that they’ve been vaccinated,” said Babin.
Babin said many of these sites claim to make CDC vaccination cards and to create one they ask for your personal and financial information in addition to payment. Babin said buyer beware.
“Because what happens is, you’re opening yourself up obviously to having your money stolen from you or possibly your identity stolen as well,” said Babin.
For those who have been vaccinated, Babin warns not to post photos of your card on social media because it contains personal information and scam artists are using that information to recreate cards using the lot number and product name.
“Showing your vaccine card giving out your personal identifiable information is also something that could be very leery of as well,” said Babin.
According to Attorney General Jeff Landy, a fake vaccination card could be considered forgery which is a felony and punishable in both fines and up to 10 years in prison.