The poor conditions of roads and bridges in Louisiana are costing motorists in the state $7.6 billion a year. That’s according to TRIP, a national transportation research nonprofit. They put a dollar figure on vehicle operating costs, traffic accidents, and congested related delays. Erich Ponti with Louisiana Coalition to Fix Our Roads said the state is long overdue for more funding.
“And after all Louisiana has not increased funding to maintain our existing roads and bridges since 1984,” said Ponti.
Legislation has been filed in the current session to increase funding for transportation infrastructure which includes repairs for current roads and bridges and future projects. Ponti said each year the cost to drivers continues to increase.
“If you go to 2017’s numbers and you take today’s number $900-million increase in four years cost to drivers,” said Ponti.
Some question if auto insurance rates are affected by the poor conditions of roads and bridges in the state. TRIP Director of Policy and Research Rocky Moretti said it’s a factor when setting rates.
“They look at risk factors and certainly the condition and reliability and safety of the system is part of that,” said Moretti.
TRIP said driving on poor roads in the state costs the average driver $667 annually in vehicle operating costs.