Nic Hunter, Mayor of Lake Charles
Lake Charles Mayor Nic Hunter voiced his frustration and made pleas for help on “Talk Louisiana with Jim Engster” Monday. Hunter said it has been nearly eleven months since Hurricane Laura demolished parts of the city, but the federal government has yet to approve a federal disaster aid bill.
“Frankly President Trump and the 116th Congress had a chance to act, they did not and now President Biden and the 117th Congress have a chance to act, they have not yet,” said Hunter.
Hunter said he is trying to hold his emotions in check but it’s difficult when the city he represents continues to be ignored. Hunter also reminded listeners the southwest Louisiana city has not only endured two major hurricanes without federal assistance but in less than a year also a major winter storm…
“And then a 1,000-year flood on May 17th. So, the city of Lake Charles has been affected by four federally declared disasters over the course of 10 months and we have not achieved supplemental disaster aid,” said Hunter.
Hunter said federal aid was issued 10 days after Katrina, 34 days for Hurricane Andrew, and 98 days for Super Storm Sandy, but it’s been 320 days since Hurricane Laura.
After a year of unprecedented pandemic relief funding from the Federal government, Hunter said there is no excuse for the federal government not to help those who lost homes and do not have flood insurance…
“And we as a country spend money like water on everything under the sun and we can’t find a few drops for people here in southwest Louisiana,” said Hunter.
Hunter said the city also needs to demolish as many as 1,000 uninhabitable homes but they don’t have the funds to do so. Due to the lack of assistance, Hunter stated they are about to launch a campaign to remind lawmakers and citizens of their ongoing unaddressed needs.