yrjö jyske / CC
The Department of Wildlife and Fisheries reports they found no evidence of chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer samples taken in Morehouse and Union parishes. A baiting ban was issued in those parishes after cases were found in Arkansas. LDWF Biologist Director Scott Durham said the ban is now lifted.
“We were able to rescind that ban and tell our hunters to go back and use that method to hunt. We’re able to do that after over 300 samples were tested, where CWD was not detected,” said Durham.
Durham said without the help of hunters who submitted deer samples they wouldn’t have been able to safely lift the baiting ban.
“We want to thank the hunters for their cooperation in that sampling effort out there it was only really because of them we were able to be so successful, so quickly. And encourage them to continue to help us in that,” said Durham.
Hunters across the state are still encouraged to continue submitting deer samples to LDWF. Durham said CWD is an ongoing issue they consistently monitor.
“That disease exists in about twenty-six states now, three Canadian provinces. It’s a pretty serious issue that we constantly have to be looking for,” said Durham.
CWD has been detected in the bordering states of Arkansas, Texas, and Mississippi.