The Lake Providence Police Department is closed for business after Mayor Jerry Bell said Police Chief Leroy Threats exhausted his annual budget in mid-February. Bell said he along with the board of aldermen asked Threats to produce a plan of action for the budget shortfall….
“Detailing how he will reduce spending and come in compliance with the budget that’s been allotted to his department, and to date we really don’t have that plan,” said Bell.
Bell said the department falls under the Lawrason Act, so if a department sees a five percent variance in revenues and/or expenses, then a plan of action must be submitted.
Threats reportedly said he doesn’t know how the department is out of money when he’s only been there a year and hasn’t spent technically anything. Bell said he’s not sure what Threats is thinking because he’s been in communication with him about the fiscal budget that runs from July to June for the last seven months.
“Letting him know where his budget is, his overages. And he averages monthly about $25,000 to $35,000 to $45,000 over budget. I’ve been along with him every step of the way trying to be supportive and helping,” said Bell.
Bell believes it’s a situation where Threats, who was elected in a special election last summer, lacks administrative experience and the department’s largest expenditure is payroll.
In the meantime, Bell said as long as Threats remains chief, they have to wait on him to submit a plan. Bell said he feels as if his communication with Threats about the issue fell on deaf ears the entire time and that Threats has reportedly said he plans to retire.
“I think the district attorney will have something to say about it because there could be some issues of malfeasance in play because just by ordinance of the Lawrason Act he has to submit a plan of action,” said Bell.
In the meantime, the East Carroll Sheriff’s Office will oversee patrols of Lake Providence. Threats did not reply to a request to be interviewed.