Gas prices are up, and with temperatures on the rise, utility bills will be soaring throughout the summer months. To help provide some relief, CLECO is spreading the word about its Cleco Alternative Rate for Electricity discount program for eligible low-income families.
“Customers can receive a 25 percent discount on the fuel portion of their bill if meet the income guidelines of the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP),” said spokesperson Fran Phoenix.
If eligible, the discount is applied to the customer’s bills for July, August, and September. Phoenix says to receive the discount, customers must enroll before May 30 through their local community action agency.
“Go to that agency, contact that agency and tell them you want to apply for the discount,” she said. “And if you, of course, meet the guidelines then you will get a 25 percent discount.”
2022 LIHEAP 60% Estimated State Median Income Levels
# Household Members | Monthly Household Income Limit |
1 | $2,126 |
2 | $2,780 |
3 | $3,435 |
4 | $4,089 |
5 | $4,743 |
6 | $5,397 |
7 | $5,520 |
8 | $5,643 |
9 | $5,765 |
10 | $5,888 |
A list of those agencies is available on the Louisiana Housing Corporation website, www.lhc.la.gov/energy-assistance under the LIHEAP provider directory.
The CARE program has been in place for eight years, and more than five thousand eligible customers took advantage last year. If you meet the guidelines for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program or LIHEAP, you automatically qualify for these savings during the hottest months of the year.
“Maybe you didn’t qualify last year, or maybe you didn’t know about it,” said Phoenix. “But this is an opportunity to go and grab that discount.”