The United Cajun Navy continues to aid Floridians in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. Spokesperson Brian Trascher says it’s a slow process due to a number of highways and byways still under water, damaged, or blocked by debris.
“And that is making getting down to the impacted areas very difficult for trucks and other logistic vehicles,” said Trascher.
Trascher says they’d like to have more supplies on the ground, but some areas remain inaccessible.
It’s been quite some time since the western coast of Florida was impacted by a major hurricane and Trascher says that’s allowed for even more construction with less oversite compared to other areas of the state.
“One of the downsides of being missed that many times is, that their building codes are not as strict as on the east coast, or even as Louisiana or the northern Gulf coast. When I see the aerial photos, I’m seeing matchsticks stringed everywhere,” said Trascher.
The collapse of a portion of the Sanibel Causeway has cut off access to barrier islands. Trascher says they were finally able to make it to Captiva Island and while most residents have evacuated there are some who don’t want to leave their homes.
“I’ve got to tell you this is going to be one heck of a marathon for these people, this is going to be a minimum of a year before there’s even a bridge out to these islands again and it could be several years before they’re inhabitable again,” said Trascher.
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I’m preparing to load up the truck with materials and drive over there to help in any way possible. I am not affiliated with ant government agency or official group, nor am i looking for a profit of any kind. If anyone on site helping or anyone in need can specify what they are low on, i can bring a substantial amount of supplies-whether its necessties like food and water or things for the kids like toys to at least attempt to minimize their trauma. I am also an experienced boat captain and fooball player so if there are people that cant physically do things i can help in that department as well.
Any suggestions are helpful.
Reach out to the and they can perhaps give you some guidance.