When you get in your car this morning chances are you’ll have an indicator light telling you your tire pressure is low. Triple-A fuel analyst Don Redman said your tires are actually losing pressure on a regular basis, on average one to three PSI, which stands for pound per square inch.
“Usually, it’s in the cold air that we notice it, but every month we’re losing air pressure and so we certainly recommend that anytime you get an oil change that’s the time to check the pressure in your tires,” said Redman.
Not only when there’s a drop in the temperature should you be aware of your tire pressure. With inflation you want your car to be as fuel efficient as possible, so Redman recommends checking your tires on a regular basis.
“Unfortunately, many of us neglect to do that but you can make your car up to 30% more efficient by just making sure your tires are properly inflated,” said Redman.
Redman said you’ll want to have your tires inflated properly and to find out how much air you should have in your wheels he said to check your owner’s manual.
“Or an easier place is inside your driver’s door. It will tell you tire pressure, it will be written out as PSI,” said Redman.
He recommends using a digital tire pressure gauge or to ask someone where you get your oil changed or other maintenance to check your tires for you. In addition to checking your tires don’t forget to check that your spare tire is also inflated.