A new program from the LSU AgCenter Flavors of Health nutrition initiative is encouraging people to use herbs and spices instead of salt because it is a healthier option.
Nutrition specialist and registered dietitian with the AgCenter, Elizabeth Gollub says salt has a lot of sodium which is associated with high blood pressure.
“High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and strokes a lot of people in the United states and in Louisiana in particular have high blood pressure,” said Gollub.
Gollub says the AgCenter has started a new program called “A Taste of Herbs and Spices.” She says nutrition agents will work with community partners to distribute flyers about a different herb or spice each month. She says nutrition agents are pleased with the herbs and spices they’ve selected.
“We kicked off this program statewide this October with Curry a spice blend and in November it will be Ginger, then we have Tarragon mint, Cinnamon, Parsley, Rosemary , Cilantro, Basel, Thyme and Oregano,” said Gollub.
If the program is a success there will be new herbs and spices for the following year.
Gollub says herbs and spices are not only healthier but also nutritious.
“These herbs and spices are not only in lieu of salt, but this is where you get a lot of your antioxidants and some other nutrients that we don’t always think about,” said Gollub.
More information about the program will be available in the coming weeks at LSUAgCenter.com