Sharon Lewis
A Baton Rouge judge has reportedly dismissed a lawsuit filed by former LSU athletics executive Sharon Lewis who claimed she faced harassment and retaliation after she reported sexual harassment allegations involving former coach Les Miles. Legal analyst Franz Borghardt says it appears Judge Tim Kelley determined the lawsuit to be frivolous.
“I think this is an instance of she threw a whole bunch of stuff out into the ether, her attorneys did, especially against one of the most prestigious law firms in the state of Louisiana and it didn’t stick,” said Borghardt.
Lewis alleged that LSU and it’s now former law firm Taylor Porter engaged in a criminal conspiracy against her. Sources say Lewis and her attorneys have also been sanctioned 330-thousand dollars for bringing RICO claims against Taylor Porter. Borghardt says you better have your facts straight when you accuse an organization of racketeering.
“You’re going to try to destroy somebody in the effort to sue them, you’re going to try to destroy their reputation this is what happens,” said Borghardt.
A 150-page report by Husch Blackwell determined LSU mishandled numerous sexual misconduct cases involving former football players, which led to the suspensions of two former athletic department employees and a recommitment by the university to improve its Title IX office. Borghardt says it appears Lewis tried to take advantage of the situation.
“I think she did think she was going to have a payday, where she was going to get a bucket of money,” said Borghardt.