Governor Edwards and business leaders continue their mission abroad building and nurturing foreign trade relationships. Louisiana Economic Development (LED) Secretary Don Pierson spoke to us from Tokyo this morning, he said the chemical company Shintech is approaching a $10 billion investment with the state and future investments are dependent on demonstrating a commitment from the state.
“Certainly, having the governor over here demonstrates that and is a very powerful message to those people who are going to bring not only investment but important jobs and tax revenues to Louisiana,” said Pierson.
Pierson said the Bayou State’s agriculture industry benefits from foreign trade along with state ports. For example, Zen-Noh grain is able to access grain from farmers via the Mississippi River and then distribute it globally. He said in addition to the state’s traditional relationships, they are nurturing new ones.
“We’re talking to companies that are going to be in electric vehicle battery manufacturing, companies that supply the raw materials for chip manufacturing. Important targets for our future” said Pierson.
In America, businesses operate independently but in Asia, Pierson said many companies are guided by their government. So, the trip included meetings with executives from the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry.
“But when you walk into the ministries and you confirm their alignment it’s helpful and it’s helpful to have the leads that they can provide and the confirmations that they provide to the companies that we’re talking to,” said Pierson.
The Louisiana delegation has also met with the U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel on their visit.