Former District 4 Louisiana Congressman and Minden resident Dr. John Fleming says he will run for State Treasurer this fall. Fleming – a Republican – is a medical doctor and has launched and owned several companies. He says he is well-qualified for the job for that reason, and for his recent years working in the Donald Trump White House on the financial policy team…:
“The last year, I was detailed to the White House as Deputy Chief of Staff. So, I feel like I have a very broad, deep background in this area.”
Fleming’s announcement makes three declared candidates so far. They are Republican Baton Rouge state Representative Scott McKnight and Democrat financial planner Dustin Granger, of Lake Charles. Fleming says, as Treasurer, he would make better investments of taxpayer dollars than his opponents.
“The Democrat in this race; he’s a ‘Beto O’Rourke’ kind of guy. He wants to put YOUR money into nonsense kind of investments, just because it’s politically correct.”
Fleming says, if elected, he’d invest state money in the still-vital oil & gas industry, which he calls a proven profit maker…:
“…and Louisiana is a veritable ‘Saudi Arabia’ of natural gas. Which, by the way, is extremely clean and has brought down carbon emissions.”
Fleming says his fiscal experience makes him best-suited to head the State Treasury and the State Bond Commission. Qualifying for elections starts August 9th. The primary election is October 14th.