Legislation to legalize recreational marijuana was snuffed out in House Criminal Justice before it could even be voted on. Bill author, New Orleans Representative Candace Newell said fearmongering is how cannabis was criminalized to begin with.
“That these Black men would rape the white women, or they would be intrigued enough to want to sleep with these Black musicians and that is the fear that was put about in our society about making marijuana illegal,” said Newell.
Newell said Louisiana shouldn’t continue to criminalize individuals for a substance that in other states the economy has flourished. The Democrat said the legalization in DC has been profitable for the nation’s capital.
“It’s closer to $600 million in just the tax revenue. What could Louisiana do with that increase in our tax funding?” Newell questioned.
State sheriffs, district attorneys, and chiefs of police in Louisiana oppose the legislation as a public safety issue and its potential to harm children. Will Hall of the Louisiana Baptist Office of Public Policy spoke in opposition to House Bill 24.
“It’s not worth mortgaging the future of our youth, just to get tax revenue for the state, or allow friends to benefit financially,” said Hall.
A call to vote on the measure was pre-empted by a motion to involuntarily defer the bill by Chalmette Rep. Ray Garofalo. Newell voiced her displeasure over the 9 to 4 vote to in essence remove the bill from consideration this session.
“Normally we try to give our members the courtesy of deferring their own bill, but I have learned greatly about what this committee does, thank you very much,” said Newell.
Newell filed two other marijuana bills this session; one to allow for the cultivation and sale of cannabis products and another on the taxation of cannabis.