Hunter Lundy
Independent gubernatorial candidate Hunter Lundy said he’s most qualified to be governor because he’s not part of the old system or establishment…
“Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a change. I’m an Independent because I got tired of political partisanship and I’m not beholden to anybody but the Lord,” said Lundy.
The Lake Charles native and attorney said Louisianans are tired of partisan politics. He notes the most recent legislative session in which lawmakers had a significant surplus of funding, but yet Republicans fought with Democrats and then Republicans fought each other…
“And then we got a budget that nobody knew what we had, and then there was a bunch of sneaked-in deals on that as we cut back education and healthcare. I’m sorry that’s not who I am and that’s not what the people of Louisiana want,” said Lundy.
Lundy said early childhood education is his first priority for Louisiana. He wants to adequately fund programs to begin educating children as young as three, and doing so tackles other major issues plaguing the state poverty and crime.
“When you do that and you have children that are literate, that can read, write, and do the principals, we reduce incarcerations, we reduce poverty. And so, we now have a reading and working society,” said Lundy.
Lundy is also in favor of increasing the minimum wage. Early voting for the October 14th primary begins Saturday.