Jeff Landry and his wife Sharon Landry. Courtesy of JeffLandry.com
Governor-Elect Jeff Landry has set aside five thousand tickets for the public to attend the inaugural ball on January 8. Landry says tickets can be purchased at one-team-dot-la.
“Our inaugural ball is going to be open to anyone who would like to purchase a ticket. It will be on a first-come, first-served basis.”
The theme of the ball is “Come Back Home Louisiana” and tickets can be purchased for $100 each. Landry says in order to reserve a ticket…
“Click the link that says Inauguration there is a section under which you can request a ticket. I think you can request up to two tickets on that form.”
The black-tie ball will be held at the Raising Canes River Center in Baton Rouge. Landry says he wants to give Louisianans the opportunity to be a part of a memorable occasion.
“This is going to be an unbelievable celebration for Louisiana and one that many will not want to miss. So we want to make sure that everyone out there has an opportunity to come and celebrate with us.”
Landry will be inaugurated as Louisiana’s 57th governor. The ball is set to begin at 7 pm.