valtron84 / Depositphotos.com
The House Transportation Committee approves a bill that would require speed enforcement cameras to get a picture of the driver of a speeding vehicle, along with the license plate. Marksville Representative Daryl Deshotel says he’s seeking to pass this bill because there are residents receiving speeding tickets when it was someone else driving their vehicle
“A lot of time you may have families that share vehicles. You have neighbors that borrow vehicles. You have all sorts of situations where people are in vehicles they do not own.”
Deshotel is not a fan of the speed enforcement cameras. He believes their main objective is to collect cash and do nothing to help control speeding. He says a real life police officer are the ones that should be issuing tickets…
“When we stop people, it resonates with them and it changes their behavior. I also believe when we stop people we catch drug dealers.”
Former Baker Police Chief Mike Knaps argued against the legislation. Knaps says the speed enforcement cameras are an important tool in getting motorists to slow down…
“The majority of these programs are very effective. They’re very fair and extremely reasonable.”
The measure heads to the House floor for more discussion.