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According to the Violence Policy Center in 2022, Louisiana ranked second in the nation for gun deaths. Kristen Rand with VPC says states with weak firearm laws and higher gun ownership consistently have higher gun death rates.
“That includes homicides, suicides and unintentional injuries. Conversely, we see that states with low gun ownership rate and stronger gun laws have much, much lower rates of gun deaths,” Rand said.
Mississippi ranked first for the most gun death rates followed by Louisiana, New Mexico, Alabama, and Missouri.
VPC says the numbers for 2022 indicate 53-percent of homes in Louisiana have firearms and the gun death rate is 28 per 100,000. Rand says for the Bayou State, this is nothing new.
“Louisiana was No.2 last year, and I believe No. 3 the year before. It’s nothing new for Louisiana to be in the top-5 or the top-10,” Rand remarked.
While the number of firearm homicides in the country decreased by six-percent from 2021 to 2022, gun suicides increased by almost three-percent in 2022. Rand says studies show if you survive a suicide attempt, you’re less likely to try again and that means matter. Meaning if you use a more lethal method, which tends to be a firearm you’re more likely to complete suicide.
“So, having access to firearms is one of the key factors in higher suicide rates,” Rand said.
Rhode Island had the lowest gun death rate of three persons per 100,000 and household gun ownership was almost 15-percent.