ZouZou / Depositphotos.com
Beginning January 1st to receive their certification, teachers must undergo a criminal background check with the state. Currently, it’s up to local school systems to require those checks, but now Arthur Joffrion with the Louisiana Department of Education said it’s a state requirement.
“It’s our goal to create a system that’s convenient, that’s as easy as possible, and as cost-effective as possible for our educators,” said Joffrion.
If a certified teacher is convicted of a crime after they are employed, Joffrion said Louisiana State Police, who’s conducting the background checks, will then notify the department and the teacher’s employer. He said for example crimes of violence and crimes against children will automatically keep a certified teacher out of the classroom.
“And in the areas where an individual could still maintain a certificate, the hiring practice would be left up to the local education agency,” said Joffrion.
Teachers who are already certified, Joffrion said they too will have to undergo background checks for the department…
“We’re working on those procedures for securing those,” said Joffrion.
The new policy is a result of legislation passed in 2023.