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A new state law makes it easier to appeal traffic citations from speeding cameras. Monroe Senator Stewart Cathey said he wrote the law after complaints from his constituents, including a call from local sheriffs in north Louisiana.
“[They] said, ‘Hey, we’ve got people [who are] unlicensed, no form of law enforcement, out here writing tickets using handheld speed devices. We want the things gone.'” Cathey says.
The law allows drivers to appeal tickets from traffic cameras by proving there were outside issues involved, like if someone else was driving their car, if they were moving over for an ambulance, if they were following orders from police or if there were hazardous conditions. Additionally, Cathey says now if you get a ticket from a traffic camera, “it doesn’t go on your driving record, it has no impact at the OMV, they can’t suspend your license for not paying them… there’s really nothing they can do if you don’t pay.”
Also under the law, automated enforcement in school zones can only take place one hour before and after school starts and ends. Any revenue from those zones must be divided between local school districts and government in a manner both parties see fit.
Those in favor of automated enforcement say traffic cameras keep the roads safe, but Cathey points out that officers are still able to pull drivers over for speeding. Additionally, Cathey says, automated enforcement can’t stop human and drug trafficking.
“Drug dealers and human traffickers, they could care less about getting some ticket in the mail 45 days later,” he explains.
Cathey says anyone who needs help appealing a ticket can reach out to him on Facebook.