Louisiana State Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley
Superintendent of Education Dr. Cade Brumley urges school system leaders to quote “recommit to assertive discipline action,” as the new school year begins. Recent legislation allows teachers to remove disruptive students and mandatory expulsion for weapons and drug violations.
“Those bills had overwhelming support and I simply provided details to system superintendents across the state to commit to assertive practices so that every school is peaceful and orderly so that learning can materialize,” said Brumley.
Brumley said teachers deserve the right to teach in an environment free from disruption and students deserve the right to learn in one.
“What I’m simply encouraging school systems to do is set a high bar of expectations for students and hold them responsible for those expectations,” said Brumley.
He said Louisiana teachers have an expanded scope of authority and autonomy this year since new laws were enacted.
“To make sure that their classrooms are free from distraction and disruption and they just need to communicate with their school principals around any concerns that they may have,” said Brumley.
Brumley said the laws address behavior complications educators and students faced in previous years and aim to improve the school experience.