Following an all-day search that involved multiple agencies, a ten-year-old Livingston Parish boy who disappeared from his home is found safe. Sheriff Jason Ard says ten-year-old Brody Sturdivant ran away from home after being punished, and this isn’t the first time this has happened.
“It doesn’t look like anything has happened to him. He was purposely hiding, which is what we kind of said earlier. That’s the information we received. If you look at his M.O., that’s kind of what he does,” Ard explained.
Sheriff Ard says Brody was found underneath a house in a neighborhood not too far from his own.
“He was not trying to be found. The Livingston PD officer and some of the deputies actually physically crawled under the house to find him,” Ard said.
Ard says even though the boy has been found safe, the investigation is ongoing.
“We’re g0ing to go through this. We’re going to look at it. If there’s any kind of neglect or thing that we think might be criminal in nature, somebody will be charged. Now, I’m not saying there will be. I’m saying that’s going to be looked at very, very hard right now,” Ard said.
The FBI and the U.S. Marshals Service assisted in the search.