State Representative Mike Johnson from Pineville says more than 12 million malnourished trees from the 2023 drought that have become infested with pine beetles need to be taken down. Johnson says Cleco and the Louisiana Department of Transportation have started the process by removing dead trees along roads and highways, but more needs to done with trees on private property.
“We’re still faced with the situation where it’s not a whether those trees will fall but when those trees will fall.”
Johnson, chairman of the Pine Beetle Subcommittee, has led efforts to address the crisis and secure funding to help private citizens pay for tree removal.
“So, now I guess we’re really focused on trying to determine on where we can get funding sources to assist in grants much in the way FEMA does with different things after a storm.”
Johnson has pushed for action, highlighting safety concerns near schools. He has spoken with Congressman Cleo Fields and the entire Louisiana Congressional Delegation about the need for funding.
“And so that’s where our emphasis has been. That’s where we are now, but the private property is an issue that posing a concern and real safety hazard for many of our people.”