A bill filed for the upcoming regular session aims to impose stricter penalties on drivers who block the left lane by driving under the speed limit and are not looking to pass. Alexandria Senator Jay Luneau says his proposal promotes highway safety and reduces driver frustration.
“We’ve all encountered that at sometimes in our life where two people are driving side by side on a four-lane highway, and it causes a backlog of traffic, but more importantly it creates danger,” Luneau said.
The bill eliminates the requirement that drivers must be at least 10 miles an hour under the speed limit to be in violation, applying instead to any vehicle traveling below the posted limit in the left lane. Luneau says the legislation is written so that tickets will only be issued if you’re driving in the left lane at a slower speed than the speed limit and not attempting to pass other vehicles.
Luneau proposed the bill after consulting with state troopers, who found the current law difficult to enforce.
“In essence what they would have to do is have to run radar on both the vehicle and its just a very technical and difficult way to do it.”
Luneau says fines range from $150 for a first-time offense to $350 or 30 days in jail for a third offense.