Through contact tracing, the state has identified the settings where they’ve seen the most coronavirus outbreaks. Bars lead the way with 36 outbreaks that’s produced at least 393 cases. Assistant health secretary, Doctor Alex Billioux, says the bar setting presents a lot of challenges to manage.
“When you go to a bar, you’re often going to be seated close to people you are normally not around, if music is playing on a juke box, no live music, you’ll probably be leaning in closer to hear each other speak,” said Billioux.
The state has also identified eleven outbreaks at food processing plants and 16 outbreaks at industrial settings. The state health department also knows about 16 outbreaks at restaurants totaling 68 cases. Billioux says compliance checks are happening, but he’s unaware if any business has been cited.
‘When a violation is found, at least on the sanitarian side, people are giving the opportunity to correct that violation and then a follow up visit is done,” said Billioux.
Phase Two restrictions call for most businesses to have a maximum of half capacity. Billioux says if that’s not the case at a business you enter, then leave.
“And if you feel people are congregating or people are not wearing masks or for whatever reason the setting is not safe from a COVID standpoint, by all means we want you to walk out of that setting and protect yourself and protect your family,” said Billioux.