Deputy Chief of Staff for the Trump Administration and member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force Dr. John Fleming offered a look at what is on the horizon for combatting COVID-19. Fleming, a former 4th District Congressman, says there is a feeling of optimism for the several vaccines and there will be no shortage available upon getting the green light for distribution.
“We will have hundreds of millions of doses of each. This is unprecedented. We’ve never put out a vaccine in less than two or three years. We’re doing this in a period of about six to eight months,” said Fleming.
Fleming says the timeline getting the entire nation inoculated could happen relatively rapidly once the vaccine is available.
“It could be as early as October that we begin distributing it, especially to the most vulnerable and it is very possible that every American could be vaccinated by January 1, 2021,” said Fleming.
In addition to work on vaccines, Fleming says there are promising developments with the use of synthetic antibodies, a variety of treatments such as filtration of the blood to pull out the virus, and an oral anti-viral that can be taken at home for those battling the virus.
“We have terrific treatments out there. We are putting many tools in the toolboxes as we move forward,” said Fleming.