Of the $255 million in CARES Act Fisheries Funding, Louisiana will receive less than five percent despite being one of the top fishing states in the nation. Republican Congressman Garret Graves said it’s a slap in the face.
“By some measures, Louisiana has a quarter or even a third of the commercial fisheries in the United States. The allocation absolutely does not represent the amount of fisheries that we produce in the state of Louisiana,” said Graves.
For example, Graves said Washington State is receiving $40 million compared to Louisiana’s $12.4 million, even though Louisiana has a 50 percent greater value to our fisheries landings.
“Doesn’t really measure the landings that we have in the state of Louisiana it looks more like a political manipulation than anything else,” said Graves.
Florida was allocated $19 million even though Louisiana has a 50 percent greater fisheries value.
To gain additional funds Graves said he’s working with other programs where the state has received appropriate funding in the past.
“As well as continuing to try and work with the federal agency NOAA that has developed these distorted formulas on how to allocate funds that in some cases looks like rewards for political friends,” said Graves.
Louisiana is the second-largest seafood supplier in the nation.