A new study conducted by the LSU Department of Marketing along with researchers from other Universities has found that caffeine could lead to greater consumer spending. Associate Professor Courtney Szocs said drinks like espressos, coffee, and tea impacted not only the degree of spending but also the types of products.
“And the effect is especially strong on what we in our study refer to as high hedonic or more indulgent products,” Szocs said.
These high hedonic products include buttery, salty popcorn; chocolate candy; luxury vacations along with any other items that induce a state of extreme excitement and energy. Szocs said that one should be mindful of what time they consume that caffeinated beverage in order to avoid making that unnecessary purchase.
“You may think ‘oh well I had that cup of coffee an hour ago”, well research shows the effects of caffeine can last for a couple of hours so just be aware of it is all we are trying to say,” Szocs said.
Research shows that about 85% of American consumers have at least one caffeinated beverage a day making the chances of purchasing high hedonic relatively common. Szocs saidthat if one is trying to save a buck on back-to-school shopping this year they ought to put down that coffee and pick up some water.
“It can make you a little bit more impulsive and you’re especially going to be impulsive when it comes to those items that really are things you don’t need like indulgent or hedonic products,” Szocs said.