A Jefferson Parish lawmaker has filed legislation that would crack down on thieves who break into people’s cars, by stiffening their minimum sentence. Metairie Republican state Representative Laurie Schlegel says her House Bill 16 would impose stiffer penalties on persons who commit a string of burglaries or any burglary within a mile of any fair, festival, entertainment or sports event, or parade.
“The first year of the sentence is non-probatable… so it pretty much tells criminals ‘you are going to go to jail for this behavior.”
Schlegel brings the bill as the number of motor vehicle burglaries grows statewide, but especially in cities like New Orleans. At a recent Pelicans game, as many as 30 cars and trucks were broken into while folks were watching the event. She says there’s a real danger involved in such cases.
“If they steal a gun in a car, they might be using that to also perpetrate on other victims, along with hurting our economy here. So, it’s really a behavior we have to take a hold on, and that what I’m trying to do here.”
Current law calls for sentencing of zero-to-12 years. Schlegel says her bill would add mandatory jail time with a conviction; meaning no suspended sentence and no probation.
“It makes it ONE-to-twelve, so you actually have to be sentenced. It’s not zero, and that first year is not probatable…so, again, you’re going to jail.”
Schlegel says convicted auto burglars would be assured of at least a year behind bars, which may be a sufficient deterrent. Her bill will be debated in the regular legislation session, which begins April 10th.