A piglet is now resting comfortably after being tossed around like a football during carnival season. Humane Society of Louisiana Director Jeff Dorson says a bystander spotted three men throwing what he assumed it was a ball—until he heard squeals.
“Turns out the nerf ball was this little pig squealing obviously in distress and fear. Courageously she approached the men. Asked could he please have the piglet cause he knew it was in danger or at least being mistreated.”
The scared baby swine, named Piglet, was removed from the harsh environment. Shortly after, Piglet was placed in the care of HSLA. To help pay his vet care, Dorson says a video was placed on social media and piglet became an internet favorite.
“Piglet became part of our digital kissing booth. You could actually buy a five dollar swine kiss that goes to support our humane programs. We’ve raised $1300 shamelessly exploiting lovely piglet.”
An exam by Metairie Small Animal Hospital found that the Piglet did not suffer any injuries or trauma. Dorson says a vet tech is fostering Piglet and a person in Magnolia, Mississippi has applied to adopt him. But preparations for piglet to enjoy the comforts of his forever home is underway.
“Lauren Ventrella, who’s State Representative District 65 in Baton Rouge, who owns a farm sanctuary and is an animal advocate, saw the article and says she would like to keep it.”
HSLA is planning a formal presentation of piglet to Representative Lauren Ventrella to take place on the steps of the State Capitol.