A recall effort is underway to remove St. Tammany Parish Coroner Dr. Christopher Tape, who officially took office today after it was revealed he was charged with six counts of child sexual assault in New Mexico but was never tried on a technicality. Franklin Senator Beth Mizell said there will be a gathering at the state capitol this afternoon.
“It’s something that has really energized a lot of people and basically, a united outrage that he is in that office,” said Mizell.
Tape notified nurses who administer the sexual assault nurse program Thursday night their jobs were to be eliminated as of today. Mizell said eliminating the vital program impacts not just St. Tammany, but Livingston, St. Helena, Tangipahoa, and Washington parishes as well.
“It’s breathtaking that anyone with a history he has would even touch the sexual assault nurse program,” said Mizell.
If the recall effort is successful in removing Tape from office Mizell said there will be a thorough vetting process for his replacement.
“Because the idea that we didn’t know this person’s background when he was put in place as coroner is shocking,” said Mizell.
Tape was accused of sexually assaulting his girlfriend’s 7-year-old daughter. He ran unopposed to replace Dr. Chuck Preston who retired.