This school year two new laws are in effect emphasizing a parent’s existing right to have their children opt out of vaccine requirements and prevent schools from requiring COVID vaccinations. Gonzales Representative Kathy Edmonston authored the legislation.
“The problem is a lot of schools didn’t know about it until the first of August and they started sending out some of their information, so this interview is really timely. I hope your listeners will spread the word that as of August 1st, there is no mandate,” said Edmonston.
Governor John Bel Edwards vetoed two similar bills that Edmonston authored in 2023. The new laws pertain to public and private schools.
The second law emphasizes an existing law that parents can have their child opt out of any vaccination to attend school. Edmonston said now when schools send out information about required immunizations….
“You also put a little part of the law in there that says you have the ability to opt your child out,” said Edmonston.
Edmonston said if parents have any issues opting out with their child’s school to call the State Department of Education or her office.
“We have a letter that we will send out to them letting them know what the statue is and when it went into effect and hopefully, they’ll correct it,” said Edmonston.
Edmonston said the laws stop mandates, it’s not a debate about vaccines it’s merely allowing parents to have their child opt out of immunizations.