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The state is preparing to roll out GUMBO 2.0 ensuring every community, no matter how small, has high-speed internet. Director of the State Office of Broadband Development Veneeth Iyengar said $1.36 billion of federal funds is dedicated to the project.
“I can’t stress the importance of the development of broadband and how it needs to go to every single nook and cranny of the state and how it impacts both workforce development and economic development,” said Iyengar.
Iyengar said about 88% of GUMBO 1.0 projects have been completed or are under construction. 140,000 locations will benefit from the second round of funding.
Iyengar stresses how transformative high-speed internet access will be for those remaining communities that weren’t part of the initial rollout of $172 million through the American Rescue Plan Act. For example, revenue increases for small businesses that can process credit cards.
“Increase healthcare outcomes, as a result of now people having better access to preventative care as opposed to ending up in the emergency department. So, you’ll quickly start to see the outcomes that are generated as a result of getting people internet,” said Iyengar.
In lessons learned from the first rollout, Iyengar said instead of providers defining projects of areas of the state to receive broadband, for GUMBO 2.0 his office is setting those parameters, and they are taking extra steps to vet those providers.
“So that those companies we are confident in their ability to not only apply but to also execute on the work to get internet 140,000 remaining locations,” said Iyengar.
Iyengar said the broadband initiative is a high priority for Governor Jeff Landry.