A decorated Army veteran from South Dakota returns to New Orleans for the first time today since performing cleanup work following Hurricane Katrina and she will get to go to the Super Bowl. Staff Sergeant Kim Hubers is one of a few military veterans that have received tickets for the game and she can’t believe it
“When they told me that you are the one going, it took me a little bit to process it and I’m still in shock,” Hubers said.
USAA teamed up with former LSU star and Vikings receiver Justin Jefferson to award Hubers a trip to the Super Bowl and game tickets. Jefferson is her favorite player.
Hubers served 14 years in the Army National Guard and that included an overseas deployment to Iraq at the beginning of the Second Gulf War. She was also deployed to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and her time in the Crescent City was chaotic in the months following the destructive storm.
“The fact I get to come back to New Orleans and see it put together after the things I saw, I don’t how to put that into words right now, I don’t know how to describe it, but it’s like a wound I didn’t even know had and I’m healing it by coming down there and I’m doing it in the most ridiculously big and fantastic way,” Hubers said.
Hubers his bringing her daughter, Aubrey, to the game.
“My girl has had a tough life, she’s been through a lot of hard things, being able to take her there is a dream on top of a dream, it’s amazing,” Hubers said.
Hubers will get to meet Jefferson and other current and former NFL players at the USAA Salute Service Lounge before attending the game.
“I’m humbled by the love and recognition I receive from our team’s supporters and wanted to return the favor by shining a spotlight on SSG Kim Hubers, a truly inspiring fan who always puts others before herself,” said NFL star Justin Jefferson. “It’s a special honor to team up with USAA, Visa and Disabled American Veterans to recognize Kim for being a great community leader, mother, patriot, and my #1 fan, with this trip to the Super Bowl in New Orleans!”