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Schools and students nationwide are celebrating Pi Day today, an annual event dedicated to the mathematical constant pi (3.14). St. Thomas More Math Teacher Karen Dartez says this special day, observed on March 14th, recognizes the significance of pi in mathematics.
“Pi is an irrational number that shows the relationship between a circle’s circumference and diameter, and no mater what size circle it is whenever you compare the circumference to the diameter and divide it, it will always come out to the same value.”
Dartez notes that Pi Day is a highlight of the academic year for many students. Schools often mark the occasion with interactive activities such as pi recitation contests, math games, and even the tradition of enjoying actual pie as a tasty nod to the day’s namesake.
“We obviously we are gonna eat pie on pi day. It’s amazing how many kids have never in their life on Pi Day.”
Dartez says events like these help spark a love for mathematics, showing students that numbers can be both fascinating and enjoyable. Through creativity and hands-on learning, Pi Day continues to inspire young minds and deepen their appreciation for the beauty of math.
“The kids get completely excited, It sparks their interest in math. So, as a math teacher that’s the perfect kind of thing to share with the kids.”